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Family Law Library

Welcome to the Sullivan Law & Associates Library

Welcome to the Sullivan Law & Associates Learn page. We have created this resource page for visitors to learn more about the various family law situations they may experiencing. Below you will find information regarding divorcechild custody and visitation, child supportspousal supportdomestic violencepost judgment modification, prenuptial agreements and more.

Please feel free to read, print and share this material as you see fit; this is meant to be a resource for you and others.

If you have any additional questions regarding the materials below, or would like any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (949) 590-8100 to speak with our non-attorney Intake Specialist to set up a consultation with one of our attorneys.

We hope you find these educational resources beneficial. Please let us know what you think at FacebookGoogle, or Avvo.

If you would like to move forward with retaining Sullivan Law & Associates, please navigate to our Getting Started page to learn more on how to get started.

Legal Answers On Demand

Watch & Learn with Sullivan Law

Get the answers you need, when you need them, with our on-demand family law video library. Our expert attorneys break down complex legal topics into easy-to-understand videos, giving you the knowledge to make informed decisions about your case.