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Preventable Mistakes You Must Avoid During the Divorce Process


There is a lot on the line during a divorce, so it is crucial to keep a level head and avoid making certain mistakes that could cost you in the long run. It is far easier to get It done right the first time than it is to try to change a court order later on, so make sure you familiarize yourself with the mistakes you need to avoid to spare yourself unnecessary hardships.

Do Not Make These Mistakes

One of the biggest mistakes you need to avoid making is failing to retain skilled legal counsel. Although many of us try to cut costs by doing things on our own, divorce is not something anyone should attempt to handle without an experienced legal advocate. Make sure you hire a divorce attorney as soon as you have made the decision to proceed with a divorce.

If you have children, you need to be careful with what you say in front of them. No matter what the reasons were for your divorce, badmouthing your spouse to your kids is a big mistake that you must avoid. Not only will it hurt your children, but it will also harm you in court. A judge will assume you are not supportive of your children’s relationship with their other parent, which can harm your chances of obtaining the custody arrangement you are seeking.

Here are some other mistakes you need to avoid making during the divorce process:

  • Dating before your divorce is finalized: Getting into a rebound relationship before your divorce is official might make it difficult to achieve an amicable settlement in your divorce. Your spouse will likely feel less inclined to peacefully negotiate with you, so hold off on dating for now.
  • Letting your emotions take control: If you lead with your emotions instead of logic or sound reason, you are going to get into arguments that never lead anywhere. Rely on your attorney’s advice for the decisions you make instead of your emotions.
  • Not planning for how you will live after your divorce: Married couples often enjoy the benefit of two incomes. After a divorce, your lifestyle will change, so prepare yourself for it. Work with a financial advisor who can help you plan for your new life.
  • Trying to get revenge: Divorce is not about getting revenge, so do not try to make it about getting back at your ex. Otherwise, you will waste a lot of time, money, and end up getting hurt in the process. Keep the fight clean, so you and your family can get through this experience unscathed.

Hire a Skilled Legal Advocate to Guide You Through the Divorce Process!

Going through a divorce is an emotional experience and requires an experienced attorney who can effectively protect your interests throughout the process. At Sullivan Law & Associates, our divorce attorneys are prepared to provide the compassionate and knowledgeable guidance you need to dissolve your marriage.

Do not go through this on your own! Call our law office today at (949) 590-8100 to schedule a complimentary case review with one of our divorce attorneys to discuss your case and learn more about what we can do for you.