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Why You Should Stay Off Social Media During Your Divorce


Social media has never been as omnipresent as it is today, giving anyone with internet access the chance to share their lives online and stay connected with friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances. For most, the benefits of these platforms often outweigh the pitfalls, but if you are in the midst of a legal matter, such as a divorce, social media can have detrimental effects on the outcome of your case. Everything you share, no matter how harmless it might seem, could be twisted, taken out of context, and used against you.

Below are some important reasons why you should unplug from social media until your divorce reaches a resolution:

  • Pictures tell a story: The pictures you post or get tagged in can often be far more revealing than anything you write on social media. As the old adage goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. If you post a picture of yourself heavily drinking or any other images of you engaging in inappropriate behavior, a judge might not be sure about your fitness as a parent. In fact, if you have children and are vying for custody or substantial visitation rights, avoid posting pictures that might reflect poorly on you. If you are not sure what the court would consider appropriate, a good rule of thumb is to not post any pictures at all.
  • Your spending habits become known: Obviously, no one is posting how much they earn every year or the balance in their bank account, but a lot can be gleaned from your social media posts regarding your spending habits. For example, if you treated yourself to a fancy new watch or an expensive pair of shoes and posted about it on social media, but are also trying fighting your spouse on child support payments and alimony by claiming that you do not have the funds for it, you are not going to look good in court. Your spending habits could also suggest that you might have hidden assets.
  • Your secrets come out: When you share a life with someone, you inevitably cultivate mutual friendships. While you might unfriend your soon-to-be former spouse, you are likely to keep a lot of your shared friends and, if you continue to post intimate details about your lifestyle, some of those friends might relay the information to him or her. Unfortunately, it is often far too difficult to figure out who is your friend and who is not, so err on the side of caution and simply do not post anything you would not want your spouse to know. Even people who have no intention of causing you harm can out you. For example, you might be careful about what you post, but if your friends and family tag you in posts that could hurt your case, the effects will be just as bad as if you had made the post yourself. Ask your friends and family not to make any posts about you or to tag you.
  • Posts are permanent: People tend to think they are clever in covering their tracks when they delete something, but the fact is that once you post something, it can never be erased. Think twice before you post.

Everyone should be careful about what they post online, but divorcing spouses should be particularly careful. In fact, it is best to halt all social media activity until your divorce reaches a resolution. If you absolutely cannot refrain from using social media, increase your privacy settings to the highest possible level and, when posting, ask yourself if you would mind a judge seeing it. If you are not sure, do not post it.

Family Law Attorneys in Orange County

If you are planning on filing for divorce, or are simply considering it, you need the skilled legal advice of an experienced divorce attorney in Orange County. At Sullivan Law & Associates, we are dedicated to guiding families through what is oftentimes an emotional process. No matter how complicated your circumstances might be, you can rely on our team to effectively help you overcome your obstacles and achieve your goals.

Get started on your case today and contact our law firm today at (949) 590-8100 to schedule a consultation and discuss your case with an experienced legal professional.